Daily Archives: July 2, 2014

JESUS Died for your sins

        Obviously perilous times our now coming upon us & we must learn to embrace our Crosses! HE said HE would never lay more on us than we can handle.  A Massive devaluation of the U.S. Dollar & Economic Collapse & The 3rd World War, 1o Kingdoms instead of 192? countries. DANIEL CH 7 is in play & being fulfilled as well as REVELATION CH 13 & MUCH MORE! Barack is the lightning from the East JESUS warned us about in LUKE CH 10 & MATTHEW CH 24. He is the stinkin king of Babylon in ISAIAH CH 14! So knowing this then that means that satan is literally in The White House! JESUS CHRIST defeated him at The Cross!

        We need to embrace Our Cross & take it up & follow JESUS! By now I am sure you are aware of the arrogant statement from Barack’s coming execution of Executive orders & he tells Congress to sue him. Lets not forget about The NDAA BHO signed on New Years Eve going into 2012 which gives him the right to detain Americans without Trial or Jury! Friends its time to develop a Contingency plan! We need to repent of our sins everyday & cooperate with Gods Grace that frees us from sin which is what True Freedom really is freedom from sin! Repent & come to CHRIST before its too late & panic & chaos & Martial Law is enforced in this nation! This Military is becoming hostile torwards Christians!

        JESUS died for our sins & bore stripes on HIS back & suffered the most horrible death imaginable so we would not have to get what we truely deserve for our sins! Again let us embrace The Cross & show HIS love to those in need & the perilous times ahead. We must be a light that shines for Our LORD JESUS CHRIST in these darkest of times. GOD tells us to flee from Babylon & its about that time but we must wait on The LORD & HIS guidance as only HE knows when we should flee. In the meantime I think we should tell as many people as we can regardless of their reactions so they can have a chance to repent of their sins & be saved! Warn of the coming JUDGEMENTS spoken of in HABUKKUK CH 1 & 2. ISAIAH CH 47, & 48. JEREMIAH CH 50 & 51 & REVELATION CH 13,17, & 18. Back to The Cross. Embrace The Cross & get your Holy Oil as JESUS told us to in “The Parable of the 10 Virgins.”

Mark Lewis
